Telus iPhone Carrier Update
This morning, iTunes warned me that there was a carrier update available for my iPhone. The 'more info' button opened a link that explained the process, but didn't offer any details about what the update contained, other than updates with regard to my settings for my carrier, Telus.
In the spirit of interested inquiry, I thought I'd follow in the footsteps of others, and take a peek inside the update file. I started by copying the carrier file to a temporary folder and extracting the contents:
$ mkdir ~/telus
$ cp ~/Library/iTunes/iPhone\ Carrier\ Support/Telus_ca.ipcc ~/telus/$ cd ~/telus$ unzip
creating: Payload/
creating: Payload/Telus_ca.bundle/
inflating: Payload/Telus_ca.bundle/carrier.plist
inflating: Payload/Telus_ca.bundle/Default_CARRIER_TELUS.png
inflating: Payload/Telus_ca.bundle/FSO_CARRIER_TELUS.png
inflating: Payload/Telus_ca.bundle/Info.plist
inflating: Payload/Telus_ca.bundle/version.plist
After that, I took a quick peek at the carrier.plist, but it was in binary format, so I had to convert the .plist files to XML:
$ plutil -convert xml1 *.plist
That let me take a look at the .plist files. The info.plist and version.plist files were very dull, looks like metadata about the bundle. The carrier.plist file was slightly more interesting:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>TELUS Web</string>
<string>Web TELUS</string>
<string>TELUS Web</string>
<string>Directory Assistance</string>
<string>Roadside Assistance</string>
<string>Assistance Routière</string>
<string>TELUS UMTS</string>
I won't claim to understand the meaning of all those settings, but some of them seem to point to Telus supporting visual voicemail, which would be interesting. And finally, the .PNG files, once decoded from iPhone PNG format, were themselves pretty boring. Very small transparent images of the word "TELUS" in all caps; these are referenced in the .plist above as Status Bar Images.