Monday, December 22, 2008

Visualizing Maven

It'd be interesting to visualize the modules, parents and dependencies of a multi-module build using something like GraphViz or Structure101g.  M2Eclipse does a good job of this on a per-module basis, but nothing to handle multi-module builds.


Eugene Kuleshov said...

You can always post an enhancement request to m2eclipse at

Geoffrey Wiseman said...

I did think about it -- but ultimately, I think I'd need to experiment to know what a useful visualization of a multi-module Maven build would look like. It's a lot of complexity, so finding the right visualization would be important.

I could just ask for a visualization without giving any idea of what that might look like, but that seems like a bit of a cop-out. :)

Eugene Kuleshov said...

Well, in multi-module project there is usually one or more modules that have dependency on all other modules, basically your cross-module dependency graph would we shown right there.

Geoffrey Wiseman said...

Some maven multi-module builds distinguish between inheritance and composition -- that is, the parent of a module is not the same as the module that aggregates it. Add those kinds of complexities with module dependencies, project dependencies, and external dependencies.