DemoCamp Toronto 21: Introduction
DemoCamp Toronto 21 (July 28th, 2009) took place at the Velma Rogers Theatre at 333 Bloor St. Joey DeVilla (@AccordionGuy), David Crow (@davidcrow) and Jay Goldman (@jaygoldman) kicked it off with the initial introductions:
The sessions for the night were:
- Jon Udell, Microsoft, elmcity
- Saul Colt, Zoocasa
- Christine Renaud, ArtAnywhere
- Brian Sharwood,
- Alan Lynse, Cascada Mobile
- Shaun McDonald, Mashup Arts
- Dan Wood, WeGoWeGo
- Ben Vinegar,
- Jason Roks, guiGOOG
- Startup Drinks (July 29th)
- WiredWedTO (Aug 12th)
- #HoHOTo (Aug 18th)
- Ignite Toronto (Aug 25th)
- TEDxTO (Sep 10th)
- Unsyced - Lead Developer (Waterloo)
- FileMobile - Director, Technology & Operations
- Aoulous - Software Developer
- Sericon Technology - Facebook Application Testing

Although I focused on capturing the presentations, I was able to shoot a few photos:
Videos of the presentations to come.